Kent Climate Smart

Natural Resources Inventory Complete!

The Town of Kent Conservation Advisory Committee (CAC) has some exciting news!!

Friday our printed Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) books were delivered to the town hall here at the Town of Kent, New York!  This is the culmination of a project that kicked off in 2019, for which we pursued and won a $50K grant from the NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program (HREP) along with additional grant monies to assist with final formatting and indexing of the printed book.

Two of our CAC colleagues, Bill Buck, Ph.D, retired botanist with a career at the New York Botanical Garden, and Beth Herr, former CAC Chair and retired naturalist and education program director at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation put in over 1,000 hours of volunteer time over 3 years, going out with other volunteers joining them almost daily during warm weather and doing lab work in cooler months to discover, identify, document and catalogue the massive and wide array of flora and fauna that live here in our Town of Kent to create a professional biodiversity survey, which is now an addendum to the NRI document.

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